Towson Portfolio
Reflection 1.4

1.4 Stimulating Learning Environment
Candidates demonstrate ways to establish and maintain a positive educational climate in the library media center.  Candidates identify relationships among facilities, programs, and environment that impact student learning.  Candidates plan and organize library media centers according to their use by the learning community.

          Standard 1.4 emphasizes that libraries need to be organized in the best way to meet the needs of the learning community and to maintain a positive educational climate.  In May of last year, a Smartboard was put into my library.  It took a major rearrangement of shelves to make it work (a moving company had to be hired to do the moving), but it is a wonderful addition.  I now have a center (with a new carpet purchased through Book Fair) where we gather for storytime and for library lessons, a separate reading area with 7 kid-sized brightly colored bean bag chairs surrounding a ‘world’ carpet, and another area with tables and chairs where book check outs, writing assignments, art work, or any project can take place.  The library is able to handle “big” people (teachers, faculty meetings, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms, etc.) and “little” people.  The Smartboard adds a rich dimension to teaching that the students and I love.

          In ISTC 601, Library Media Administration, we reviewed and reflected upon many magazine articles on what makes a great library.  I found one through Towson’s databases (Library Journal online) entitled the Best Small Library in America.  It won $15,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for being just that.  To summarize from my reflection what made it work:  “this library has made itself relevant with technology, warm and inviting in its customer care, bright and clean in its environment, making everyone want to spend time there.”  Hopefully, as school librarians, we can approximate a welcoming atmosphere, a smiling face, knowledge and direction, to the students who regularly visit with us.  This article encouraged me that an engaging and attractive environment is just as important as a wonderful selection of books.

          ISTC 601 also had our group complete a Facilities Design model which exposed us to decisions that would need to be made in new or renovated construction, such as:  ventilation, electricity, shelving, ADA requirements, lighting, and furniture.  I went into more detail concerning our plan in the standard 1.3 reflection.  Most of us as school librarians will never get a chance to design a media center from scratch.  But we do get to apply our creative ideas to design changes we can implement and decorative ideas we can apply to make our libraries warm and inviting.
